Our Leadership

Our Pastor

     Pastor Jeff became our Pastor in the fall of 2022 after serving as our Interim since January of 2017. He and his wife, Kim have been married since 1995 and have 5 children.  They met in Bible college as they were training to serve Christ and His church, and have served in various ministry capacities for over 25 years.  Jeff is a graduate of Appalachian Bible College in West Virginia.  At Appalachian Jeff developed a love for the Bible and enjoys teaching and preaching with creativity and passion. 

Our Elders
Michael Collins
Doris Steffan
Karen Stewart
Chad Smith
Jeremy Corll
Tammi Martin
Kevin Jaszemski
Mark Lowry
Billie Jo Saccol

Our Deacons

Ruth Bice
Becky Brandl
Rhoda Geiwitz
Kathy Schepp
Ellie Sieg
Jacque Slagle
Cindy Barcheck
Wilma Frisk
Tracy Jaszemski
Our Trustees
Rick Cramer
Missy Davies
Jim Schepp
Rick Martin
Jen Corll
Tom Booth
Our Staff
Tracy Jaszemski – Secretary
Jen Corll – Youth Director
Musicians and Choir
Charlotte Yeager
Roberta Hensel
Renae Shawgo
Richard Harris
Beth Weller
Wilma Frisk
Gail Voltz –
Choir Director